Mackenzie "Kenzie" Moore
Electrical Engineering Technology, B.Sc.
EEET-425 Digital Signal Processing Final Project
The objective of this project was to design and execute a
real-time breathing rate monitoring system capable of identifying
potential pneumonia in young children. The system leverages the
Arduino Uno microcontroller in conjunction with the LM61
temperature sensor, employing a range of digital filters—low pass,
high pass, band pass, and equalizer—to ascertain the respiratory rate
of hospitalized children. Alarms are triggered if the breaths per
minute (BPM) are excessively high or low, or entirely absent. The
operational system can differentiate data across the three filters and
compare the energy levels of each to determine the current state and
activate an alarm.
EEET-313 Communication Electronics Final Project
We used a spectrum analyzer and SDR (software-defined radio) to capture transmissions and data-packets from Smart home and IoT devices and analyze their operating frequency.
Performed research on the different standards and stakeholders, as well as the history of IoT networking and smart home devices.
Presented final presentation to Professor and peers.
Speaker at 2023 College Autism Summit
I spoke about my struggles with mental health, misdiagnosis, and what educators need to do moving forward to mitigate these issues.
CPET-253 Microcontroller Systems Final Project
Programmed a microcontroller to detect obstacles using bump sensor hardware interrupts. Incorporated ports/SPI-LCD for display and Bluetooth for the robot's wireless control. Used timers to manage tasks and state machines to control robot behavior. Navigated autonomously away from obstacles and returned to manual control.